Thick space junk floated around the planet, the only safe passage being a special channel reserved for planetary administrators. A batch of federally-funded resources below average standards would be transported to the planet every two months.,Mu Fan, 17 years old, didn't know who his biological parents were. His adoptive parents told him that he was found behind a trash can while they were scavenging. It was just dawn, and the stars cast an even and gentle glow on the baby's face as they shone along the horizon. When his adoptive father picked up the child, he discovered two tags hanging from him: one, a deep yellow wooden tag inscribed with "Mu," and the other, a dark metal tag engraved with "Fan.",Mu Fan wasn't the kind of cold that his neighbors described. Instead, he felt a coldness that made his brain incredibly calm and clear. This made him very, he didn't know why, he always felt hungry but found his endurance seemed to be several times, or maybe even more, than those around him... He had no concept, and he wasn't interested in asking.。